Archival Holdings - JCU Library
This is a list of the archives held by James Cook
University Library Special Collections on the JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus, Douglas and JCU Cairns, Nguma-bada campus, Smithfield.
Areas of strength include station records, union and labour history, mining history, company histories, the arts, and environmental and resource issues.
We are in the process of moving all the listings to NQHeritage@JCU, our online repository for the Library Special Collections. Some items below will link through to the repository.
Learn more about the Library Special Collections here.
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- Acworth, Elaine
- Aitcheson, Harry
- Akins, Charles Robert - Antrim Station
- Allen, Kimball - Collection of Townsville Grammar School history
- Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook (ASH Inc.)
- Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union
- Amalgamated Metal Workers Union
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Townsville Branch
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers
- Anning Family, Reedy Springs
- Anton Breinl Centre
- Anzac Day
- Applied Ecology Pty Ltd
- Arts Nexus - Held in JCU Cairns
- Ashworth, Olive
- Association for the Welfare and Education of Deaf Children in North Queensland
- Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
- Atherton, Arthur Patterson
- Atherton Chinatown Excavations - Held in JCU Cairns
- Atherton-Cook Family
- Atherton Shire Council Records - Held in JCU Cairns
- Atkinson Family
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
- Australian Railways Union, Queensland Branch
- Australian Society of Accountants (Townsville Branch)
- Australian Workers' Union
- Ayr and Lower Burdekin Caledonian Association
- Ayr Tramway Joint Board
- Ayscough, Deaconess M.
- Bambrick, Valentine
- Bank of New South Wales (Ravenswood)
- Baptist Church, Townsville. See Townsville Baptist Church
- Barnes, John Handyside
- Bauer, Francis Henry
- Belcher, Wilfrid Bernard
- Bell Family
- Bell, Peter
- Birrell, James
- Bolton, Professor Geoffrey Curgenven
- Borland, Hugh A.
- Bowen Downs
- Bradley, John Granger
- Bragge Collection - Held in JCU Cairns
- Brazier, Keith
- Brown, William
- Brownhill Kirk and Co. Ltd. Realty Records 1910-1946
- Building Workers' Industrial Union
- Building Workers' Industrial Union (Additions)
- Burdekin Dam
- Burdekin Downs records
- Burns Philp, Charters Towers
- Burns Philp, Townsville
- Burrows, J.H. (Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade)
- Bussey, Cecil Andrew
- Busst, John
- Cairns and Far North Environment Centre - Held in JCU Cairns
- Cairns Ephemera - Held in JCU Cairns
- Cameron, Charlotte
- Cameron Family
- Cane Toad Project
- Card, Sylvia Maud - Held in JCU Cairns
- Cardigan Station records
- Cassady, James
- Cassar, Father Publius
- Cathedral School of St Anne and St James (Annual reports)
- Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
- Charters Towers Gold Mining
- Charters Towers Historical Photographs
- Charters Towers Municipality
- Charters Towers Stock Exchange
- Cities and Towns Local Government Association of Queensland records
- Cleveland Bay Wool Dumping Company
- Cobbold, Francis Edward
- Colley, Noel
- Copeman, Neville Charles
- Coral Sea '92
- Costello Family
- Cottrell, Dorothy
- Coutts Group of Companies
- Cummins and Campbell Ltd
- Cunningham Memorial records
- Currie, J.F. - Held in JCU Cairns
- Dagworth Station
- Daintree Family- Held in JCU Cairns
- Dalgonally Station records
- Day Dawn Mining Company
- Delamothe, Peter
- Delta Iron Works Pty Ltd
- Devanny, Jean
- District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria
- Ditton Family
- Douglas Shire Wilderness Action Group - Held in JCU Cairns
- Downey, Joe
- Dungeness Campaign - Held in JCU Cairns
- Durham - Georgetown Workers Political Organisation
- Edmund Kennedy Memorial Walking Track - Held in JCU Cairns
- Education Ephemera
- Edwards, Harriet Elizabeth
- Environment and Development Conference 1993
- Ex-Prisoners of War Association - Northern Branch
- Far North Queensland 2010 - Held in JCU Cairns
- Farquhar, William Gordon
- Farrant, Ron
- Fatnowna Family
- Festival of Pacific Arts
- Finucane, William Eugene
- Firth Family
- Fraley, Arch
- Freer, L.J. - Willis Island
- Garbutt, Charles Overend
- Gardner, Harold Raymond
- Gargan, John (Jack) - Held in JCU Cairns
- Geology Department Maps
- Gilmour, James
- Glindemann, August Karl
- Goondi School of Arts - Held in JCU Cairns
- Grant Family
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Dallhold case
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Dallhold case (Additions)
- Great Northern Freehold Tin Mining Co.
- Green, Alfred James
- Green, Marjorie
- Greenvale Station
- Grimwade, Gordon
- Gunnawarra Station
- Haig, David
- Hann Family
- Harrison, John Gilbert
- Hawton - de Castres
- Hayles, Eustace Robert
- Henry Braby and Company
- Hinchinbrook (Oyster Point) Campaign - Held in JCU Cairns
- Hislop Diaries - Held in JCU Cairns
- Hollimans, Ravenswood
- Hughes, Brian H.
- Huntington, Tony
- Iashchenko/Tjapukai 1903 records - Held in JCU Cairns
- Ingham Family
- Inkerman Sugar Mill
- Innes, Mabel (Prize for Lyric Verse)
- Irvinebank Mining Company and John Moffat
- Jack and Newell Pty Ltd
- Jaffa, Herbert
- Jaffrey, Kenneth S.
- James Cook University Cairns Campus - Held in JCU Cairns
- James Cook University Commemorations
- James Cook University Site Plans
- Jenkins-Armstrong documents
- Jessica Point State School
- Johnson, Don
- Johnson, Godschall
- Jones, Dorothy
- Keeffe, Senator Jim
- Kelso Family
- Kenion and Co.
- Kenny, Sister Elizabeth
- Knox Historical Society Collection
- Kowitske Family
- Lamb Collection
- Lamond, Henry George
- Lawson and Son (Mareeba) - Held in JCU Cairns
- Lemaire, Brigadier L.H.
- Library Association of Australia's North Queensland Regional Group
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping
- Local Government Women's Association (Townsville Branch)
- Loos, Noel
- Lorraine Station
- Love, J.S.
- Lowry, Edward Yule
- Lowth's Hotel
- Mabo, Eddie papers
- Magnetic Island to Townsville Annual Swim Committee Records
- Manchester Unity - Loyal North Kennedy Lodge records
- Mareeba-Dimbulah Tobacco - Held in JCU Cairns
- Marine Board of Queensland
- Marshall, John
- Marsland and Marsland
- Marnock Family
- Mays, Robert
- McAuley, William
- McCallum and Co Share record book
- McKergow Family
- McRobbie/Wardle
- Meatworkers Union. See Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
- Merrin, Thomas
- Metcalfe Collection
- Millaroo Research Station
- Milne, Andrew Brough
- Moffat, John. See Irvinebank Mining Company and John Moffat
- Mona Vale Station (Casey Family)
- Moray Downs (Hooke & Co.) Clermont
- Morrill, James
- Mount Molloy Copper Syndicate - Held in JCU Cairns
- Movement for Responsible Coastal Development
- Mulgrave Canegrowers Limited - Held in JCU Cairns
- Muller, C. manuscript
- Mundingburra Bridge Club
- Munro Family Records
- Murgatroyd, A.D. Collection
- Naish, John
- Natal Downs Station
- National Council of Women (Townsville Branch)
- National Trust (Townsville Branch)
- Nelly Bay
- New Moon Theatre Company
- New Ravenswood Mines
- Newspapers - special issues
- Nicholson, E.
- Nimmo Family - Oak Park Station
- North Queensland Ballet and Dance Company
- North Queensland Conservation Council
- North Queensland Festival/Theatre Programs
- North Queensland Newspaper Company
- North Queensland Rodeos
- North Queensland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- North Queensland Yachting Association
- Northern and Western Graziers Association
- Nulla Nulla Station
- Parsons Family Collection
- Pajingo Station
- People Against Kuranda Skyrail (PAKS) - Held in JCU Cairns
- People the North Committee
- Pimlico, Douglas, Cairns Campus and Townsville CAE Photographs
- Pioneer Sugar Mills
- Pope Brothers Coach and Motor Body Builders
- Popham, Joseph Skinner
- Postle,Griffin Pty Ltd
- Princess of Thailand at James Cook University, 1992
- Proserpine Chamber of Commerce
- Proserpine Co-operative Society Ltd
- Provincial Cities Group
- Purcell, S. (Mareeba)
- Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade - Tully Branch
- Queensland Brand Directory
- Queensland Department of Harbours and Marine - Shark Netting Records
- Queensland Meat Export Company Pty. Ltd.
- Queensland Premier's and Chief Secretary's Office
- Queensland Titles Office
- Queerah Meatworks - Held in JCU Cairns
- Ravenswood Historical Collection
- Ravenswood Mining Warden's Office
- Ravenswood Picnic Hack Club
- Ravenswood Photographic Collection
- Red Cross (North Queensland)
- Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia
- Reynolds, Alderman Mike
- Rimmer, Mike
- Roberts, George Vivian
- Ruby Queen Gold Mining Company Ltd.
- Russell, Valerie A.M.
- Salvation Army, Charters Towers Corp
- Samuel Allen and Sons Limited
- Scartwater Trust
- Schaffert, Jack
- Scottish Australian Co. Ltd. (Mt Emu Plains, Kyuna, Albion Downs and Lucknow Stations)
- Shannon Family
- Shaw, Vernon
- Shepherd, Arthur
- Sladden, Mary
- Sloane, Willliam & Co.
- Smith, H. Neil Prize
- South Johnstone School of Arts
- South Townsville State School
- Southcott, Ronald Vernon
- Stannett, E.J.
- Stewart Creek Roman Catholic School
- Store, Ron Papers
- Strathleven Station
- Sugar Mill Photographs
- Tait, E.D.
- Talaroo Station
- Talbot, Edward Hayes
- Teague, Walter
- Thompson, Fred. See Amalgamated Metalworkers Union
- Thomson, Mavis
- Toll, Benjamin papers
- Torrents, Salvador
- Townsville Apollo Choir
- Townsville Baptist Church
- Townsville Chamber of Commerce
- Townsville City Council
- Townsville Civic Orchestra
- Townsville College of Advanced Education
- Townsville Community Music Centre
- Townsville Croquet Club
- Townsville Custom House and Quarantine Station Plans
- Townsville and District Patriotic Fund
- Townsville Evening Star, 1902
- Townsville Fire Brigade Board
- Townsville Gas and Coke Company
- Townsville Grammar School. See Kim Allen Collection of Townsville Grammar School History
- Townsville Harbour Board
- Townsville Historical Trust
- Townsville History Project
- Townsville Pacific Festival
- Townsville Post Office Plans
- Townsville Rifle Club
- Townsville Scrapbooks
- Trant Family
- Trewern, Joan - Held in JCU Cairns
- Trezise, Percy - Held in JCU Cairns
- Trollope, David Hugh
- Walker, Maisie
- Walls, Noel
- Wanetta Pearling Company
- Wardle. See McRobbie/Wardle
- Weare, Henry
- Wet Tropics - Held in JCU Cairns
- Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Gordonvale and Cairns Branches - Held in JCU Cairns
- Wilkinson records
- Wintergarden Theatre
- Wheeley, Hap manuscripts
- Women's Land Army
- Wongalee Station
- Wood, Senator Ian
- Woolston, F.P. (Frank) papers
- Write from the Word Go