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Island Voice Association Incorporated

On 6 April 1986 a public meeting was held on Magnetic Island to formulate ways and means of voicing objections to the commercial proposals of North Barrier Holdings Ltd. as reported in the Townsville Bulletin on 21 March 1986 and amplified by a company director at a public meeting on 29 March 1986. A committee was elected and the name 'Island Voice' was adopted as the name of the unincorporated association. Its object was to monitor developments and to ensure that residents' objections were made known to those involved in the Magnetic Keys (later Quay) development at Nelly Bay.

Mr. Bob Johnson became Committee Chairman and Gwen Frazer, Secretary. Inaugural committee members were Graham Wieneke, Loretta and Mike Butler, Dr. Ian Dickson, June Wightman, Alan Valentine, Vera Zammit, Jill Ross and Irene Pear ce.

A constitution was formulated in 1988 as follows: "that a group known as Island Voice be formed with the object of:

a) encouraging development which is compatible with the natural beauty and amenity of Magnetic Island;

  1. opposing any development which in the opinion of Island Voice is detrimental to the natural beauty of Magnetic Island;
  2. liaising with and supporting any group with similar objectives to a) and b);

d) making representations to local, state and federal government and / or political parties in support of a) and b); and

e) forming a committee comprising a chairman, vice chairman, honorary secretary, honorary treasurer and three committee members for the day to day management of the affairs of Island Voice.

That the annual general meeting be held on the first Saturday in July. At this meeting all committee positions will be declared vacant and a ballot will be held. Nominations will require a proposer and seconder. Any financial member wil be eligible for nomination".

Membership of Island Voice was open to any person supporting objectives a) and b). The committee had the power to coopt three additional members to assist in the furtherance of its objectives.

On 1 September 1988 the following committee was elected:

Chairman Graham Wieneke

Honorary Secretary Elizabeth Owen

Honorary Treasurer Jo Wieneke

Committee Members Ian Dickson

Ann Poulsen

Andy Frost

From September 1988 the committee and members of Island Voice formalised their constitution and objects. The constitution was approved on 19 November 1988. The committee members' positions were declared vacant and the following c ommittee was elected:

Chairman Ian Dickson

Secretary Elizabeth Owen

Treasurer Jo Wieneke

Committee Members Graham Wieneke

Andy Frost

Ann Poulsen

The objects of the new constitution were:

"a) To provide a unified co-ordinating body, to bring together all people interested in environmental conservation within the region.

b) While at all times observing the laws of the land to make every effort to ensure that the land, waters and atmosphere of the region are not misused by any person or body or agency of government and to seek a balanced use of the n atural resources of the environment therein for the immediate and future benefit of the state and nation.

c) To seek to uphold the laws relating to the conservation of the flora and fauna of the region and of any natural, archaeological and historical features therein and where necessary to seek to improve these laws and to encourage to assist in those pursuits.

d) To promote an interest in and where appropriate to preserve historical sites situated in the region and to carry out research of benefit to the region.

e) To preserve Aboriginal relics or other aspects of Aboriginal culture.

f) To promote the discussion of and search for a socially and ecologically acceptable balance between population, resource usage, economics, technology and lifestyle within the region.

g) To apply for, promote and obtain any statute, order, regulation or other authorisation or enactment, which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the objects of Island Voice and to oppose any bills, proceedings or application which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the interests of conservation and the objects of Island Voice.

h) To enter into any arrangements with any government or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise that may seem conducive to Island Voice's aims and objects, or any of them, and to seek to obtain from any government or auth ority any rights, privileges, financial assistance or other benefits".

On the 14 January 1989 at a general meeting of Island Voice it was resolved to apply for incorporation as an Association under the Incorporation of Association Act, and the constitution was revised to comply with the provisions of that Act. None of the objects in the original constitution were changed.

The Island Voice Committee elected for 1989/1990 was:

President Dr Ian Dickson

Vice President Ted Chinn

Secretary Elizabeth Owen

Treasurer Julia Walkden

Committee Members Andy Frost

Del Turnbull

The Island Voice Committee elected on 4 August 1990 was:

President Dr. Ian Dickson

Vice President Ted Chinn

Secretary Elizabeth Owen

Treasurer Rosemary Burgess

Committee Members Andy Frost

Del Turnbull

The Committee elected on 5 September 1992 was:

President Charlie McColl

Vice President Ted Chinn

Secretary Julia Walkden

Treasurer Caroline Tointon

Committee Members Andy Frost



IV/5/5 Administrative Appeals Tribunal: Affidavits re legal standing.

Series 28 Minutes of Island Voice Meetings.

Series 29 Minutes of Island Voice Committee Meetings.

IV/30/18 Island Voice Meetings.


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