1 - Wet Tropics Management Authority

Date Range1972 - 1999

The Wet Tropics Collection of historical material was generated by early rainforest environmental campaigns which ultimately led to the World Heritage listing of the Wet Tropics region.
The project was funded by the Wet Tropics Management Authority, through the Wet Tropics Community Support Program.

History of the archive: (taken from a note with the archive)

The Wet Tropics Management Authority has approved funding, through the Wet Tropics Community Support Program, for the collection and archiving of historical material generated by early rainforest environmental campaigns such as the Mt Windsor and Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield track blockades. These campaigns and others ultimately led to the World Heritage listing of the Wet Tropics area.
Material used to make up this collection will consist of anything generated by the campaigns - scientific reports, environmental impact studies, correspondence, court documents, government department records, police records, newspaper clippings, articles, paintings, photos, audio and video tapes, T-shirts, banners, songs, permits, leases, public submissions, books, personal recollections, documentaries, etc.

Published by the James Cook University Library on 31st May 2011,
Listed by Janine Meakin
HTML edition
Updated 31 May 2011

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